Since I have no mac yet, the debugger is only tested on i386.
got the Ooops Debugger Error under Mac OS using gdb with the following output in the x11terminal. What the hell means that?
For debugging, Lazarus uses gdb. It sends commands to gdb through stdin and it gets responses through stdout. THe Ooops error you get when Lazarus receives a response from gdb which it didn't expect to get.
I using the gdb version that comes with the 10.3.8. OS.
no clue what comes with 10.3
[Debugger] Running GDB version: Apple version gdb-330.1
Great.... Apple uses its own version numbering.
[WARNING] Debugger: Unexpected async-record: =shlibs-updated
hmm... not fatal, but probably not good.
[TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: dsStop
[TDebugManager.DoInitDebugger] END
[TMainIDE.DoRunProject] B TGDBMIDebugger
TDebugManager.RunDebugger B TGDBMIDebugger
TGDBMIDebugger.ProcessResult Error: error
[Debugger] Log output: &"info functions FPC_CPUINIT\n"
[Debugger] Log output: &"info functions $$_RUNERROR$\n"
[Debugger] Log output: &"info file\n"
[Debugger] File type:
[Debugger] Entry point:
Empty ????
Did you enable debug info ?
[Debugger] Console output: ~"[Switching to process 1369 local thread 0xd03]\n"
[WARNING] Debugger: Unexpected async-record: =shlibs-updated
[TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: dsRun
[Debugger] Console output: ~"Re-enabling shared library breakpoints: 1 2 3 4\n"
[Debugger] Notify output: =shlibs-updated
[Debugger] Log output: &"info program\n"
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: macosx_debug_inferior_status: current status
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: inferior task: 0x10f
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: [SIGNAL THREAD]
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: macosx_debug_inferior_status: information on
debugger task:
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: macosx_debug_inferior_status: information on
inferior task:
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: macosx_debug_inferior_status: information on
debugger threads:
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: thread: 0x50f
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: thread: 0xe03
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: thread: 0x1103
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: macosx_debug_inferior_status: information on
inferior threads:
[WARNING] Debugger: Unknown record: thread: 0xd03
Now complete guessing starts
[Debugger] Target PID: 0
This is not good. The debugger failed to retrieve the PID of your app
[TDebugManager.OnDebuggerChangeState] state: dsError
Ooops, the debugger entered the error state
TDebugger.ReqCmd failed: Run
[TMainIDE.DoRunProject] END
Without PID there is nothing we can do.
If you have enabled debuginfo when compiling your app, then
I guess the output of mac-gdb is somehow different than the normal gdb.