May 11, 2010 - betasoft is pleased to announce release 2.3 of the
Delphi and Free Pascal library Habari ActiveMQ Client.With this library and the
Apache ActiveMQ open source Message Broker,
developers can build integrated solutions, connecting cross language
clients and protocols from Java(tm), C, C++, C#, Ruby, Perl, Python,
and PHP, using the peer-to-peer or the publish and subscribe
communication model.
Habari ActiveMQ Client uses the Stomp message protocol and a plug-in
architecture for communication libraries and message transformers for
XML and JSON object serialization. It supports Apache ActiveMQ versions
4.0 to 5.3, Delphi 6 to 2010 and Free Pascal, and follows the
specification of the JMS API for Message Oriented Middleware.
New in release 2.3:* Support for temporary destinations for request/reply style
synchronous communication
* TBTQueueRequestor helper class simplifies making RPC-style
service requests
* DUnit tests start and stop the ActiveMQ broker (version 5.3.0,
5.3.1 and 5.4-SNAPSHOT) in the SetUp and TearDown methods
* The documentation includes an introduction to a new feature
in ActiveMQ 5.4: Delay and Schedule Message Delivery
* The documentation includes an introduction to a new feature
in ActiveMQ 5.3: Broker Statistics
Online Resources:Habari ActiveMQ Client - Getting Started (PDF): ActiveMQ Client - API documentation ActiveMQ Client - Demo download: JMS Client Home page: Apache ActiveMQ: Apache ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful
open source Message Broker and Enterprise Integration Patterns provider.
Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and
Protocols, comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and
many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4.
Apache ActiveMQ is also a key component of the Apache Geronimo Web
Application Server and IBM WebSphere Application Server Community
Read more about Apache ActiveMQ here: regards,
Michael Justin
betasoft - Software for Delphi™ and for the Java™ platform -