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Does Lazarus work on OSX?

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I've installed Lazarus and find I get constant AV's when attempting to use it (for example - drop a SynEdit on a form and set Align = alClient).  I don't have these problems as often on Windows.  Does Lazarus actually work on OSX?  Is there something I need to do to make it so it won't crash arbitrarily?

Additionally, if I design a program on Windows (because it doesn't crash) and open the code on OSX to compile it then all the forms are jacked up because the size of fonts and edits are different (and horrible).  I have to go in and try to redo every form.  Is there some way around this?



Lazarus is written in it self and since it is running on OSX, I guess it "works"

Are there some components or settings that can't be used with OSX.  I haven't been able to go 15 minutes without either an AV or having the IDE just disappear without warning.

Should I be able to use a synedit and set the align property?  If so, and since I can't, what should I look for to fix it?

I'm running the release on Leopard (I haven't done the snow leopard upgrade yet on that machine).



The problem is that is diferent the graphics in Windows(...), Linux (GTK, QT) and Mac (Carbon)
if you have to solve that problem try to "Anchors properties"


--- Quote from: mmount on May 07, 2010, 04:10:18 pm ---Additionally, if I design a program on Windows (because it doesn't crash) and open the code on OSX to compile it then all the forms are jacked up because the size of fonts and edits are different (and horrible).  I have to go in and try to redo every form.  Is there some way around this?

--- End quote ---

I had similar problems with fonts and alignments between Linux and Windows.  I read a few of the wikis on the Lazarus site (start with dealing with how controls are auto-aligned and sized and then played around with the anchor property of the controls.  Specifically, clicking on the ellipse (...) for the anchors.  This brought up a screen allowing me to align controls with other controls.

Using autosize and anchors, I no longer have problems with how controls appear compared to each other.  Same form and code in Windows and Linux now.  All my code to manually set sizes and alignment have been removed.

Fonts and controls sizes will still be different, but they look fine on the target machine.


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