# mysql is hardcoded read-only in fpc ! see mysqldb4.pas ( win32 Linux )
function TMySQLDataset.GetCanModify: Boolean;
Result := False;
ok it is "fpc bug" .
I changed it to : Result := True;
I recompiled lazarus 9.7 for win32 ( lazarus 9.6 for win32 crashes with mysql4 component ) with mysql4 component and then realized that no inserting editing etc could be successfully completed using DBGrid.
Is it "lazarus bug" ?
#2 maybe super,hiper developer version of libmysql.dll exists , that is in possesion of lazarus developer team,
I've tried almost all form version 4.0.1 to 4.0.24 at
www.mysql.com and I'm sure that
- mysqclient.dll doesn't exist
- not libmysql.dll but libmysqld.dll contains entry "mysql_server_init"
- many functions declared in mysql4_com.pp mysql4.pp have not corresponding entries neither in libmysqld.dll nor libmysql.dll eg.
function my_net_write
function net_real_write
function my_net_read
and many others
After commenting out all that functions and rebuilding lazarus it is possible to connect to server, browse tables in DBGrid using mysql4 component
but see #1
investigation is to be continued