Forum > PDAs and Smartphones

how to use a timer,for some miliseconds



Does anyone knows how to use a timer to execute a procedure for some miliseconds?I mean that I want to wait for connecting a port to a PDA.If the port doesn't respond for spesific time I want to end and return false.For example if my procedure is waitcomrespond(); I want to do

--- Code: ---E:boolean;
while untilmytimerends do
E := waitcomrespond;

if mytimerends E=false

--- End code ---

Thank you...

This should work (it's simple, without timer component):

--- Code: ---var
  EndTime: TDateTime;
  EndTime := Now + EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, 500); // 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 500 miliseconds - you put what you want.

  While Now < EndTime do
    Application.ProcessMessages; // while this code is waiting, let the other application's code work.

  // Here put the code which will execute after waiting time has passed.  

--- End code ---

You can also use EpikTimer, precision timer:

I've never tested it in Windows CE, but at most it should require minor modifications to work.

gracias Zoran

Jurassic Pork:
hello kokocool,
the zoran's code is not perfect because it uses too much the cpu if this code is in the main thread. You must add a sleep instruction in the loop to avoid this, like that :

--- Code: --- While Now < EndTime do
    Application.ProcessMessages; // while this code is waiting, let the other application's code work.
    Sleep(10);// suspend the main thread for 10 ms between each check on Endtime

--- End code ---

Friendly, J.P


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