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new software based in lazarus

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What are the names of that(on image link) forms  in the project?


--- Quote from: dicas3d on April 30, 2010, 01:15:05 pm ---I like of develop a cloud lazarus and cut then necessity of tree forms because i like more of use just one.

--- End quote ---

I can only guess the meaning of the above.

Maybe you should post in english (google translated) and in your own language. => Maybe someone else can then add english hints about your question, that are better translated then google does?

Do you mean "docking"? Combine/Collect all windows of Lazarus into a single Window?

If yes, please read the FAQ:

In older version of Lazarus, you could compile with -dEnableIDEDocking (but it does not (or only partly) work with 0.9.29)


--- Quote from: dicas3d on April 30, 2010, 02:05:46 pm ---

What are the names of that(on image link) forms  in the project?

--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Martin_fr on April 30, 2010, 02:20:49 pm ---
--- Quote from: dicas3d on April 30, 2010, 01:15:05 pm ---I like of develop a cloud lazarus and cut then necessity of tree forms because i like more of use just one.

--- End quote ---

I can only guess the meaning of the above.

Maybe you should post in english (google translated) and in your own language. => Maybe someone else can then add english hints about your question, that are better translated then google does?

Do you mean "docking"? Combine/Collect all windows of Lazarus into a single Window?

If yes, please read the FAQ:

In older version of Lazarus, you could compile with -dEnableIDEDocking (but it does not (or only partly) work with 0.9.29)

--- End quote ---
Yes, I like of dock in a single window.


--- Quote from: Martin_fr on April 30, 2010, 02:22:39 pm ---
--- Quote from: dicas3d on April 30, 2010, 02:05:46 pm ---

What are the names of that(on image link) forms  in the project?

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---
Just one question more.
What is the procedure/function that show the forms(ej: in msgview.pas procedure xxxx?


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