Whenever I try to use EvaluateXPathExpression, I wind up with a SIGSEGV. I have done my homework and there is a similar report from 2007,
Are there some examples of its use out there? Googling has not shown any.
I don't mind some other libraries if they are more uptodate. The dates in the xpath source go back to 2003, but I can't be sure if there have been some updates over the years.
procedure TutilitiesInterfaceForm.btnTestXPathClick(Sender: TObject);
XML: TXMLDocument;
pathString: string;
xpathValue: TXPathVariable;
strStream: TStringStream;
strStream := TStringStream.Create(mmoXML.Text);
ReadXMLFile(XML, strStream);
pathString := edtXPath.Text;
//xpathValue := TXPathVariable.Create;
xpathValue := EvaluateXPathExpression(pathString, XML);
edtXPathResult.Text := xpathValue.AsText;