Forum > Third party

FreeSpider performance test

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Since yesterday I was doing a performance test for FreeSpider CGI web application.
Results was surprised me:

2500 requests per minute for FreeSpider application with FireBird (Two operations read and update)
6600 requests per minute for FreeSpider application without database.

This is mean something for FreeSpider, Lazarus, and native compiled CGI application.

Your can see detail test results here:


I do not know about web sites, but can I use FreeSpider as Apache module instead of CGI?

yes, you can use it to create Web Application the same as PHP and Perl CGI.

Isn't this normal?  DBs (specially when they are on anther machine) have quite some latency.

No, I mean it is too fast that I was expected. I was expecting that this CGI web application could handle about 100 to 200 users (Employees), but now after the performance test I realized that it could handle about 2500 active users (that send requests on an average of every 1 minute)


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