I can't set BorderIcons to be biMinimize = false. It will always be true. I can do so in Delphi. Fix the problem. No doubt people use Delphi when your program has so many damn bugs.
Lazarus is not windows only, CrossPlatform programming requires extra coding for each platform, you can do that just by setting some window styles, you can always fix any bugs and add new features.
BTW: Lazarus is not commercial software, there is no company behing it, not even an organisation, there are simply too few programmers developing it and if you like it, you can always help the existing developers, find and maybe even fix bugs.
Of course people still use Delphi because:
1) They have Money !!! or simply use cracked versions of Delphi and keep their fingers crossed when they sell some apps made with a cracked version.
2) Don't care about Opensource.
3) Don't care about CrossPlatform.
4) Don't have the knowlege or patience to work with it.