Approximate Google translation of the book Contents:
Preface .... 13
Chapter 1
The architecture of Lazarus .... 15
by Mattias Gärtner
11 The Code Editor .... 19
111 CodeTools .... 20
112 Fast navigation in the code .... 20
113 Automatic Completion .... 23
12 Basics of Language .... 30
121 Base Types .... 33
122 Structure and function of units .... 39
123 Object Orientation in Lazarus .... 42
124 Arrays in Free Pascal .... 45
125 Compiler directives .... 50
13 Projects .... 52
14 Components .... 55
15 Packages .... 56
151 C libraries in Free Pascal .... 58
152 Free-Pascal libraries in C .... 60
153 New Component in the IDE install .... 61
154 Units in several projects .... 64
155 Virtual Units .... 65
156 Units for various platforms .... 65
157 Packages Search .... 68
158 Directories and Search Paths .... 69
159 Dependencies and Inheritance .... 71
1510 Compilation .... 71
16 Source code documentation .... 75
17 Unicode 77
Chapter 2
Lazarus install .... 81
Jörg Braun, Swen Heinig and Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
21 Download from the version management .... 83
211 The installation of TortoiseSVN .... 83
212 The program package subversion .... 84
213 SVN directories of Lazarus and FPC .... 87
214 Basic work on the command line .... 89
215 Checkout with TortoiseSVN .... 91
22 Installing on Windows .... 94
23 Installing on Linux .... 98
24 Installing on FreeBSD .... 101
25 Installing on MacOS X .... 117
Chapter 3
The IDE .... 119
by Swen Heinig
31 The Lazarus menu .... 120
311 File .... 120
312 Editing .... 122
313 Search .... 129
314 View .... 134
315 Project .... 141
316 Compiler options .... 149
317 Start .... 160
318 Package .... 162
319 Tools .... 176
3110 Settings .... 183
3111 Window .... 216
3112 Help .... 216
32 Tools .... 217
321 Object Inspector .... 217
322 Source Editor .... 222
323 Complete source code 226
324 Message Composer 229
325 Debugger .... 231
33 IDE recompile .... 237
Chapter 4
Projects .... 243
by Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
41 GUI applications .... 246
42 Console Applications .... 252
43 DLLs and Shared Objects .... 257
431 Shared libraries .... 258
432 Libraries in MacOS X .... 263
433 Control Panel applets for Windows .... 265
44 CGI applications .... 273
441 CGI programs in Pascal .... 275
442 CGI with Powtils .... 276
45 Unit Testing .... 279
46 Packages .... 280
461 Components embed .... 285
462 Components register .... 285
463 Property Editors 286
464 Component Editor .... 290
47 Services and daemons .... 293
Chapter 5
Target platforms .... 297
by Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
51 Platform Specific .... 301
511 The API Windows32/64 .... 303
512 Special case, Windows CE .... 309
513 Linux, FreeBSD and other Unix systems .... 321
514 The APIs of Mac OS X .... 328
515 32-bit and 64 bit .... 342
52 Configuration Files .... 343
53 Resource Files .... 346
Chapter 6
The class libraries .... 351
by Michaël Van Canneyt
61 The RTL (FPC-Time Library) .... 353
611 Loading and storing of data streams .... 354
612 Nomenclature of the class instances .... 356
62 The FCL (Free Component Library) .... 358
63 The LCL (Lazarus Component Library) .... 360
631 The application object .... 363
632 Screen window .... 378
633 Working with TForm .... 379
634 The properties of TForm .... 387
635 Special windows .... 399
636 The windows environment .... 406
637 The controls in the window .... 409
638 Layout and Design Program .... 422
639 Actions .... 432
6310 Drag and Drop .... 438
64 The elements of the component palette .... 449
641 The Standard tab .... 453
642 The Additional tab 474
643 The Common Controls tab .... 486
644 The Dialogue tab .... 505
645 The Misc tab .... 511
646 The Data Controls tab .... 516
647 The Data Access tab .... 516
648 The System tab .... 516
649 The SynEdit tab .... 518
Chapter 7
Porting Delphi components .... 519
M Michaël Van Canneyt and Mattias Gärtner
71 The architecture of Lazarus components .... 519
711 Platform-layer .... 520
712 Platform-layer (?) .... 522
72 Component Models .... 523
73 Practice of porting .... 531
731 From the component to Lazarus Package .... 535
732 The Component Palette .... 537
Chapter 8
Files and equipment .... 539
by Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho and Jörg Braun
81 File dialogs in Lazarus .... 539
82 Working with Files .... 548
83 Browse directories .... 567
84 Communication with devices .... 573
841 The parallel port .... 574
842 Serial Communications .... 579
843 The printer .... 584
Chapter 9
Graphics Programming .... 589
by Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
91 The canvas .... 589
911 Colors .... 592
912 TPen .... 594
913 TBrush .... 598
914 Fonts .... 601
915 The main graphics routines .... 604
92 Graphics components .... 609
93 The graphic formats .... 614
931 TGraphic .... 614
932 TRasterImage .... 615
933 Bitmaps .... 618
934 TJPEGImage .... 619
935 Icons .... 620
Chapter 10
Processes and threads .... 625
by Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
101 Processes .... 626
102 Threads .... 637
Chapter 11
Network Programming .... 645
by Inoussa Ouedraogo
111 TCP / IP programming .... 645
1111 The client program .... 647
1112 The server program .... 650
112 Web services .... 652
1121 Programming the server .... 654
1122 Programming the client .... 670
1123 Logging Messages .... 675
1124 Object Pooling .... 676
1125 Service Extensions .... 679
Chapter 12
Access to databases .... 681
by Michaël Van Canneyt
121 The architecture .... 681
1211 Database Access .... 681
1212 Selecting database .... 683
1213 Auxiliary Application: The Desktop Data .... 687
122 The database access classes .... 688
1221 The dataset .... 688
1222 The data module .... 711
1223 Visual data-related controls .... 713
123 Discharges of TDataset .... 715
124 The data desktop .... 733
1241 The Data Dictionary (data directory ) 735
1242 Exporting Data .... 740
1243 Code Generation .... 742
125 SQL Crash Course .... 744
126 Reports (Reports ) 748
1261 Creating a Report .... 750
1262 The Report Designer .... 753
Index .... 755