I would be satisfied with a routine that recognizes 90% of syllables without using dictionaries.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var hList: TList; hyp: THyphen; i, Start: integer; AWord: UTF8String;begin hList := TList.Create; hyp := THyphen.Create('/home/theo/install/hyphen-2.5/hyph_es_ES.dic', '/home/theo/install/hyphen-2.5/.libs/libhyphen.so'); AWord := 'electroencefalografistas'; Start := 1; hyp.Hyphenate(UTF8LowerCase(AWord), hList); for i := 0 to hList.Count - 1 do begin Memo1.Lines.add(Copy(AWord, Start, PtrUInt(hList[i]) - Start + 1)); Start := PtrUInt(hList[i]) + 1; end; Memo1.Lines.add(Copy(AWord, Start, Length(AWord) - Start + 1)); hyp.Free; hList.Free;end;
Yes, I want it.
How can I get it? Is it possible to get the source code of it?
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