Forum > LCL
Fatal: Can't find unit FileUtil used by...
I'm trying to use FindDefaultExecutablePath on a program but compiler always return "Fatal: Can't find unit FileUtil used by...". I was looking at the Internet and I only find this forum topic but adding LCL to the proposed solution doesn't fix it. I did look for any fille called "fileutil" but I didn't find it.
I'm using Lazarus beta, FPC 2.2.4 (i386-linux-gtk 2 (beta)) on Xubuntu 9.10 installed and updated as explained here.
--- Quote ---I did look for any fille called "fileutil" but I didn't find it.
--- End quote ---
Maybe your installation is broken. It should be under lcl directory.
I have the same problem on Kubunto 9.10. Lazarus cant find FileUtil when compiling a fp program. I have looked in usr -> lib -> lazarus -> lcl, and find fileutil.o and fileutil.ppu there, locate from the konsole also find the files. How do I tell Lazarus where FileUtil is?
Also, I tried to open a file from the menu, but it was not possible, I had to draw the file from dolphin onto the editor. Is the Kubuntu 9.10 install fully broken? I used Synaptic to install Lazarus from the repository.
I am a newbie to fp and Lazarus.
The chance is that the PPU version is incompatible and fpc tries to recompile but it can't find the source. Try recompiling LCL (use Tools->Configure Build Lazarus->set LCL to clean + build and others to none).
Thank you! That solved my first problem, got no compilation error due to FileUtil not found. It didn't solve my second problem, not yet able to open a file by the file menu. I get up a menu for the opening process, but no files in the window, not able to select a directory. In fact the whole Lazarus goes into a hang situation which I have to use ESC to get out of, killing Lazarus. No error messages.
Should I remove Lazarus in Synaptic, download from Sourceforge and install? Or is it possible to get around the problem in another way? I use Kubuntu 9.10 on an (old) 32 bits Dell Dimension PC. It is not satisfactory to drag and drop files onto the editor window.
Solving this problem(s) I may get started to learn some more and may be use fp and Lazarus for a programming project.
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