Hi all,
i tried to attach some icons to my project executable but not successfull.
going on Menu/Project/ProjectOptions/Load Icon, i choose a new icon to the project. The size was the default icon size, 32x32.
After build, the icon shown was the lazarus default tiger foot icon.
If i remove the icon, it removes correctly. The compiled file have no icon.
I tried to edit my project.rc file containing this line
MAINICON ICON "project.ico"
and add this compilation parameter on projetc.lpr file
{$IFDEF WINDOWS}{$R Tes]"]>Blockedb.rc}{$ENDIF}
, with and without ifdef windows, but again the default icon appear.
the icon file have the same name as the project file.
my lazarus version is beta (25/10/2009)
FPC : 2.2.4
there is any problem on lazarus or i'm doing something wrong?