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Mercury Database Objects port

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I'm working on free pascal port of Mercury Database Object (Firebird SQL/Interbase database  components).
First release (available here: work on windows only for now.
There are two packages: runtime (depends on FCL, no LCL required) and designtime (for lazarus).
Now i'm working on linux port (priority).
What not working yet: MDOSQLMonitor, master-detail
Please test and report


This project is very important for Lazarus.
Would be great support for Linux.
I offer my collaboration for migration to Linux.
Congratulations for the work well done.

thanks for Your interest! any help would be welcomed. because it run on linux now, most important thing is testing an chatching bugs.
Current version ( have fixed some bugs (NUMERIC and DECIMAL fields with precision >= 4 now works fine, some bugs in database editor, master-detail seems to work).

Thanks for your work.

I have tried to test your components in Windows and Linux. I use Lazarus 0.9.28 and Firebird 1.5. Are MDO compatible with Firebird 1.5? Have I to migrate to 2.0?
I found theese troubles:

TMDODatabase, with LoginPrompt true: exception "Operation cancelled at user's request" at opening database
Closing application with TMDODatabase open: "exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'." I know I have to close Database connection, but... error message is not clear.

When trying to drop an TMDODatabase in a form: "Error creating component: TMDODatabase. Firebird Client library not found in the path. Please install Firebird to use this functionality." Firebird 1.5 is installed and working.

I'm very interested in your components, they are just what I need, so I will test them deeply as soon as I can.
Sorry if my English is not good. Spanish is my mother tongue.

Alexis Ramos

Hellow, Alexis.

--- Quote ---Are MDO compatible with Firebird 1.5? Have I to migrate to 2.0?
--- End quote ---
MDO should work with any version of Firebird. I use Firebird 2.1 on linux and 2.0 on windows without any problems.

--- Quote ---TMDODatabase, with LoginPrompt true: exception "Operation cancelled at user's request" at opening database
--- End quote ---
if you use mdo with LCL application you should add "MDODbLogDlg" to "uses" section of your app. Console app should handle OnLogin event.

IMHO LoginDialog should be a part of lcl.

--- Quote ---Linux:
When trying to drop an TMDODatabase in a form: "Error creating component: TMDODatabase. Firebird Client library not found in the path. Please install Firebird to use this functionality." Firebird 1.5 is installed and working.
--- End quote ---
check yor library name (in /usr/lib). MDO looking for "", "" and "". Libraries in most of linux distros have suffix with version number (eg: create a symlink wyth name suported by MDO.

--- Quote ---Closing application with TMDODatabase open: "exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'." I know I have to close Database connection, but... error message is not clear.
--- End quote ---
I use Lazarus 0.9.29 (svn) and fpc 2.5.1 (svn) and it works fine for me. but in free time I will test MDO on other (older) versions of fpc and lazarus.


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