So, one year ago I asked about unicode support.
Now, I am asking again.
I need to create application with armenian language unicode support, i. e. I need to write unicode in forms, and I need to write unicode on labels, menus, etc.
I can't do it in Lazarus.
I can do it with Kylix, because QT understands unicode, and I don't understand why can't do same in Lazarus, because, GTK too understands unicode.
In Kylix there is a property charset. It may be fcsUnicode. In Lazarus charset is '1' by default.
What does mean that '1' ???
How to set charset to unicode?
Why I can't write armenian unicode text in editor, but can do it in any app in my FC3???
Why when I do
Label1.Text := #1329
It shows '1' ?????????
I like Lazarus, because it is really platform independent, object pascal, non glibc compiler.
It is very cool, that fpc programs doen't depend on glibc.
It will be more cool to have our own widget, because gtk depend on glibc.
But it isn't very big problem just now for me.
I need unicode.
I need it very much.
My locale is en_US.UTF-8
Help me please.