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Retaining installed package when doing a build from CVS.



maybe it's a bug, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Once every so often I do a rebuild from CVS. When I start Lazarus again and look at the "Package Graph" previously installed packages are marked as "Install on next start". But untill I start Lazarus as root and install one of the packages  (Components -> Open Package File -> Install), nothing happens. So I actually have to  Install a package to have all previously installed packages back again.
So what am I doing wrong when building lazarus from CVS? I'm using this to rebuild:

--- Code: ---
cvs login
cvs -z3 update lazarus
echo Logout of cvs-server
cvs logout
echo Copying files
cp -Rf /home/matthijs/lazarus/ /usr/share/ --reply=yes
echo Start Lazarus Rebuild
cd /usr/share/lazarus
echo Gereed

--- End code ---


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