I am proud to present second release of new audio player written using Lazarus: KSP.
Currently KSP has basic functionality like:
* Media Library support
* MP3, WMA and OGG support (more types soon)
* M3U and PLS playlists support
KSP requires only 10 MB of HDD. It also requires MySQL Server (can be downloaded from
http://www.mysql.com) to maintain it's Media Library.
Binary code compiled for x86 and x64 can be downloaded from KSP website. Here you can also download full source code.
KSP website:
http://www.ksplayer.com/I have also one wish. If anyone here likes the idea of new audio player (this time totally written with Lazarus/FPC) and want to help with it please feel free to contact me. you can send message on this forum or contact me here:
http://www.ksplayer.com/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=11Thank you