The fact that problems arise suggests that inside the database strings are stored as 1 byte ANSI strings.
As long as you store the strings in the correct encoding, for all the rest of the code, you can used default Lazarus
Yes, thank you Bart - not -
The size of my fields just quadrupled.....
And you think that is not a problem? Ansi + code page is one byte. Any unicode takes 4 byte for storage. (yes, that is 8,16 and 32)
p.s. I know with current hardware that should not matter, but it does.
It also destroys backward compatibility for those that do not follow my advice and keep insisting on "string"...
Anyway, I am aware of that problem and can work around it, but this example shows it is too early to drop it.
Actually, this morning I agreed, this afternoon I am against.