Ok thanks, that gave me a fullscreen graphic window, but it doesn't retain the the window frame for resizing. I'd like something a little more user friendly.
Yes, I got that and is why I started with my reply as done

The original graph unit, what ptcgraph is replacing using a modern back-end, did not cater for such a feature. To my knowledge ptcgraph also does not.
The more or less ironic part is that PTC itself is capable of scaling surfaces. But as you might be able to figure out yourself as well the 'window' in which the graphics is displayed is not part of the graph unit et all, e.g. the only things that I am aware of that are possible is switching to full-screen video-mode and setting the title of the window. I did not even figured out how to be able to catch the action for the close-button of the window.
Perhaps nickysn reads this and can share his thoughts on these kind of questions otherwise you might perhaps have more luck asking on
the SF page.