hello al. It seems i've had this problem before with sqlite. Don't recall if i was using zeos that time but the problem is the same.
on a tzquery store an insert statement as "insert into algo (v1,v2) values (1,2) and then tzquery.execsql
the problem is, that if in the same form i do a
"select * from algo" the last inserted row doesnt appear.
but if i close the forrm and reopen again and try the select the inserted row is correctly inserted.
So, i've opened a sqlite browser in paralell and try again.
do the insert with my app
then switch to the sqlite browser and the row is inserted
but back to my lazarus app the select doesn't list it.
but again, if i close the form and reopen there is.
I am missing something to post data to sqlite?
If i switch protocol to mysql the same code work as expected inserting and reading without opening and closing.