win 10, trunk FPC. Tried everything to connect to Maria. She still hates me. Checked for 64 bit libmysql.dll ('PE d'), validated connection params with HeidiSQL. Tracked down every libmysql.dll on the drive. Heidi must have all the charm because she always connects. So the connection issue has long been solved with that app. But still this is a rolling grey issue with SQLdb.
So, moved over to Zeoslib. Connects right up. But the OPM version has a bug in it that causes exception in the transaction code on app shut down. May work if I did all the hookups manually in code instead of using a data module. But instead of chasing that down, I tried to load and install zcomponents.lpk direct from zeos github. No joy. Defines issue around ASCII7_MESSAGES in zmessages.
Before I try all this on my Linux machine, I'd like to have a stiff Manhattan right now, but I'm out of Makers. Anybody else out there have this lead them to drink?