Ok, I found the problem.
In my old compiler, Borland Pascal, the "board" is 12,152 bytes. The same "board" using Lazarus is double the size. So long story short, I had converted the
board to a text file which had 31 lines of text made up of characters that represent the board items. Then I read the file in Lazarus and converted the board back to the record type and saved that file. That file
is twice the size of the board saved by my old compiler running in dosbox.
The good thing is now I can take that text file that I created and convert it to a CONST array of 1..31 and keep it in a unit, instead of a file. If I want to distribute this program to friends I'll be able to without
problems. I've already made a method of converting the board display sprites I made for the DOSBOX version of this application (a PacMan clone) by reading the sprite file and converting it to a unit of const arrays. I just have to do the conversion for the pacman, ghosts and bonus fruit. I should have a running demo in a few weeks, wife permitting, lol.
Thanks everyone for helping out!