
Author Topic: [EXAMPLE] HTTPClient test web site valid- not 100% depends on Browser  (Read 4240 times)

What I can do

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OS:Windows 10@64
Lazarus 3.4
Why do all these links report as not valid
NOTE: the second set of "//" was add automatically
I'm doing something wrong...

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. uses
  2.   fphttpclient  ,Opensslsockets
  3. //...
  5. function IsURLValid(const URL: string): Boolean;
  6. var
  7.   HTTPClient: TFPHTTPClient;
  8. begin
  9.   Result := False;
  10.   HTTPClient := TFPHTTPClient.Create(nil);
  11.   try
  12.     try
  13.       HTTPClient.Get(URL);
  14.       // If we get here without an exception, the URL is likely valid
  15.       Result := True;
  16.     except
  17.       on E: EHTTPClient do
  18.         // URL not valid or other HTTP errors
  19.         Result := False;
  20.     end;
  21.   finally
  22.     HTTPClient.Free;
  23.   end;
  24. end;
Updated 1/28/2025
sometimes I am so close to the trees that I can't see the forest
from what I needed
could be sumed up with the Open command because it test the web open location the if successful then TRUE
so a lot of that code i rewrote to
if not OpenURL(s)
 then OpenURL('');
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 10:54:38 pm by What I can do »


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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2025, 11:54:36 pm »
http isn't valid for ages. The second url, is invalid by deifnition

Did you have redirection turned on ? because that also results in an error as per your example.
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2025, 02:03:08 am »
Hi TRon
yes the line
changes itself when I hit the post button
the original code is
but this post utility adds the additional "//http:" for some reason

How do I turn redirection on?
is that a lazarus or browser thing?


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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2025, 03:17:43 am »
but this post utility adds the additional "//http:" for some reason
Ah, sorry. I missed your edit. Sorry about that. Next time just paste the url as text (not a link) or use code tags.

How do I turn redirection on?
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. HTTPClinet.AllowRedirect:= true

See also or in particular

The wiki on fphttpclient can also be helpful

is that a lazarus or browser thing?
It is a TFPHTTPClient class thing  :)

Because you used the on Except handler in the example TFPHTTPClient will silently fail exceptions (as instructioned) so that you never see the 'error'. So as a hint when running into issues always display the exception message in order to get feedback on what is actually happening.
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.

Remy Lebeau

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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2025, 04:19:26 am »
http isn't valid for ages.

That is a bit misleading. There are plenty of sites that are still using HTTP and not HTTPS. Just because HTTPS is popular doesn't necessarily mean that every site needs/uses it.
Remy Lebeau
Lebeau Software - Owner, Developer
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2025, 04:24:44 am »
That is a bit misleading. There are plenty of sites that are still using HTTP and not HTTPS. Just because HTTPS is popular doesn't necessarily mean that every site needs/uses it.
You are correct Remy. It is misleading because you are right: there still exists websites that accept http. My apologies.

However, major browser builders have mandated that we are not allowed to access those anymore. As a result the number of websites that are accessible by http seem to decline as a result.

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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2025, 10:42:15 am »
http isn't valid for ages. The second url, is invalid by deifnition
Wrong, still valid.
three of my static websites:

If you happen to have a certificate installed issued by me, you will be redirected to a https:// website. The certificate acts as a lock-keypass, it is not ssl, that comes after. Logging in with password is not possible, only with my certificate.
If you try https on these sites *without* my certificate, you get a self-signed dummy.

Since the http:// sites are 100% static, there is no need for https.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 10:48:06 am by Thaddy »
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2025, 06:34:32 pm »
Wrong, still valid.
No idea in what universe the url ...
Code: [Select]
.. is valid, but hey if it does in yours then I am happy for you (forum software seems to agree with you) ;D

But it is dead horse as TS already mentioned the reason why (as already stated I simply and initially missed it). As well as that modern established browser (by default some not even allowing to change that behaviour) forces https on the url no matter what (and as a result you are unable to access the website using http).
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 06:54:11 pm by TRon »
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2025, 06:51:06 pm »
That is a bit misleading. There are plenty of sites that are still using HTTP and not HTTPS. Just because HTTPS is popular doesn't necessarily mean that every site needs/uses it.
You are correct Remy. It is misleading because you are right: there still exists websites that accept http. My apologies.

However, major browser builders have mandated that we are not allowed to access those anymore. As a result the number of websites that are accessible by http seem to decline as a result.

I hope that is not the case, I use http//.. to connection to hardware using the default browser in the pc. That would be a tragic event if that stopped.
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2025, 06:56:32 pm »
I hope that is not the case, I use http//.. to connection to hardware using the default browser in the pc. That would be a tragic event if that stopped.
Unfortunately it is. And indeed it is a PITA as I am also unable to access some devices on my local network in that way. On some of my systems I have to resort to either a custom solution or use an older browser that still supports http. Not every (recent) browser allows to override the behaviour of forcing https. It the same annoying behaviour as that some browsers removed ftp support.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 06:59:48 pm by TRon »
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2025, 07:08:05 pm »
Unfortunately it is. And indeed it is a PITA as I am also unable to access some devices on my local network in that way. On some of my systems I have to resort to either a custom solution or use an older browser that still supports http. Not every (recent) browser allows to override the behaviour of forcing https.

I just tried to connect to my router using with Firefox, Edge and Chrome (all latest versions) and all of them works. Am I missing something?

Remy Lebeau

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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2025, 10:40:14 pm »
However, major browser builders have mandated that we are not allowed to access those anymore. As a result the number of websites that are accessible by http seem to decline as a result.

That is absolutely not true. All  browsers handle HTTP and HTTPS equally just fine. The browser vendors are not mandating anything, and they are not the ones driving sites away from HTTP towards HTTPS. That is wholly up to the site owners to decide.
Remy Lebeau
Lebeau Software - Owner, Developer
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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2025, 11:32:00 pm »
Indeed, all browsers that i know of, al the major ones.
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...


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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2025, 11:33:49 pm »
Unfortunately it is.
Fortunately it is not. Come on Ron, admit you are wrong.
But I am sure they don't want the Trumps back...

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Re: test if web site is valid
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2025, 07:24:27 pm »
OS: Windows 10@64
Compiler: Lazarus 3.4
Project: Personal Help notes, data base
I keep a massive data base of links, tip, examples, and anything I deem worthy of noting.
So I have collected some web site links and social post links.
I know that links are not permanent so here is the logic
Test if link is still valid and if so load it into the default browser (Brave)
else link not valid then load the default link ""
So I don't care what or if any errors occur during the testing only does it return as valid.
if any error of any sort then load up default Lazarus which is like 90% of the time anyway.

Remy Lebeau

I thank you all very sincerely
Here is my code: for testing the links valid
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. function IsURLValid(const URL: string): Boolean;
  2. var
  3.   HTTPClient: TFPHTTPClient;
  5. begin
  6.   HTTPClient := TFPHTTPClient.Create(nil);
  7.   HTTPClinet.AllowRedirect:= TRUE;
  8.   try
  9.     try
  10.       HTTPClient.SimpleGet(URL); // Try to fetch the page
  11.       Result:=TRUE;
  12.     except
  13.       on E: Exception do
  14.         Result := False; // If any exception occurs, consider the site as invalid
  15.     end;
  16.   finally
  17.     HTTPClient.Free;
  18.   end;
  19. end;

I do not know why some links work while other don't. However all links work if just copy and paste into browser address bar.
I grabbed some random links from X and hacked around with the meta tags of privet, business, and government

links that failed

Link with successful validation
Is the problem with Lazarus, the Brave browser, or me?
Is there any other web type component that might work better just for testing?
« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 07:34:48 pm by What I can do »


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