As described by Thaddy using fpcupdeluxe for a separate installation (for both FPC and Lazarus) with debug information usually would be the easiest especially in case not familiar with building the compiler from source.
And if you're not familiar with compiling the source of FPC, you probably don't have much use of 'stepping into' the writeln() procedure.
Hello @rvk, yes I am not familiar with building the compiler from the source (yet) and yes I do have a reason for wanting to step through both writeln() and format() purely for my own understanding how things work under the hood.
Besides... you don't want the writeln() anyway... you want the Format() function.
And for that you can put your cursor on Format(), press Alt+Up, then press Ctrl+Shift+Down.
With those keys you can jump all around the sourcecode.
Thank you, I did this already and though it lets me jump around the code it is not the same thing as bein able to single-step and examine/watch how things are done.
So please help me to build from source if you do not mind doing so? I have:
There is a Makefile in there.
I also have:
And another Makefile. Which one do I use to build and which switches/flags do I use to get a debug build?
If the time to build is not too long I am thinking I will simply build a debug version anytime I need to understand a compiler intrinsic or RTL and revert back once done to a normal build.