You mean like, for example, if someone uses a well established term you haven't heard before, and the first reflex is to claim it's not used by anyone in the field, without doing even the slightest bit of checking
First, I acknowledged the existence of the term, unlike you who has not acknowledged that the "duplicate identifier" message from the compiler stems from the fact that the parameter(s) and local variable(s) are in the same scope,
Second, as far as not doing "the slightest bit of checking", that is a malicious claim. I have lost count of the number of compiler construction books I've read, not to mention compiler source code and I have not seen the term "shadowing" the way you used it. That said, I openly conceded in the other thread and concede that the way you used it is correct.
which would have found that this term is used everywhere?
I have serious doubts about that because other than it being used by GCC (pointed out by PascalDragon), I haven't seen it used anywhere else but, I might have missed it being used here and there by other compilers, that's possible.
On the other hand, if it is used "everywhere" as you claim, show where FPC uses it. Everywhere should include FPC. Just in case, used in a place that is visible to any user such as an error, warning or hint message. You claim it's used everywhere, here is your chance to demonstrate your claim isn't simply more b.s. from you.
OTH, let's have a look at your code again:
procedure foo(x: Integer);
x: Double;
Since you _dishonestly_ claim that the parameter "x" and the local variable "x" are not in the same scope, explain why a Pascal compiler emits a "duplicate identifier" error message. As I stated a good number of times before: you got some explaining to do.
Now what ? are you going to post another pile of garbage about FPC source code that's neither here nor there ? It's simple: explain why the compiler emits a "duplicate identifier" message, the reason is totally independent of how a compiler chooses to implement scope resolution.
I stand by every word I typed about you in my reply to @Khrys and your previous post only provides an additional example.