I just spent a night to install Laz4android3.4+fpc3.2.2.exe + LAMW package via OPM on windows11Pro.
menu ->tools -> [LAMW] Android Module Wizard -> path setting
and the confugurations are...
*** with android-ndk r23,r24,r25,r26,r27
menu ->tools -> [LAMW] Android Module Wizard -> Build FPC Cross Android
select aarch64, then build, ok
got an error message dialog "directory doesn't exist. [1]!"
*** with android-ndk-r22b-windows-x86_64
select aarch64, then build, ok and it's work. (then install)

What did happen with android-ndk r23,r24,r25,r26,r27.
I may attempt in different ways.