
Author Topic: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE  (Read 4184 times)


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Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« on: December 27, 2024, 02:50:46 pm »
I have removed the old Lazarus installation and installed the actual one.
I am not able to recompile the IDE because i get the message that the "DateAndTimePicker" is not available.
In the installed packages i can see the DateTimeCtrls.
Also in the Lazarus folder i can find the DateTimePicker.pas file.

Has anyone an idea what i can do?

Thank you and BR


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Re: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2024, 03:24:55 pm »
I don' know about that case in particular. But likely you have some old ppu hanging around.

Make sure to clear out all the ppu files.
If your install dir is write protected, then there is a shadow dir in your primary config folder, that has those ppu. So look there too.

Or you have a 3rd party package installed that is not compatible and wants that file.


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Re: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2024, 07:26:15 pm »
Hello Martin,
as i wrote.
I have make a deinstallation and installed the actual versions from the lazarus page.
Also a clean and recompile of the IDE make the same problems.

I was not able to install other packages trough the PaketManager.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2024, 07:27:56 pm by RPRI »


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Re: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2024, 08:43:31 pm »
Just recalled, there also is an issue with fpc 3.2.2 => at "random" not finding files.

There should be another post here on the forum.... Might be affecting you... Not sure.

Basically, find the package that contains it, and build it with -Ur

Or rebuild the entire IDE with -Ur  => but beware, source changes will no longer tricker recompile. You must clean recompile yourself if you make changes to any unit/package that is -Ur


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Re: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2024, 03:21:21 pm »
Hello Martin,

Tahnk you for your Answer.

I am not an Lazarus / FPC Expert.
In the past i used Lazarus on Windows without any problem.
Also Lazarus 2.xx works fine on my iMac. But after deinstalling fpc/fpc-src and Lazarus and installed the actual version, i run in that problems.

What is that -ur parameter?
It is an option for compiling?


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Re: Lazarus V3.7 Not able to recompile the IDE
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2024, 04:48:16 pm »
I know it worked in the past... FPC has a bug, such as that certain code in a unit (or arccos several units) can trigger this error. The exact code that triggers it, is not known. So it is not simply possible to avoid the issue...

-Ur makes the compiled ppu to be "releases" => the compiler will no longer check if sources have changed. => That fixes the issue (if your issue is indeed this issue), but it means if you make changes to the LCL or to the package that contains the unit; well actually to any unit that was compiled with -Ur then you need to force build that package.

=> Find the package with that unit.
=> open the package and go to its options
=> find the "custom options"
=> Enter  -Ur  (uppercase U, if I recall correctly)
=> Recompile that package
Then build the IDE as normal.

If you search the forum for DateTimePicker (or the bugtracker), at least one of them should have the issue, and the steps - Afaik.

Sorry, I can't currently run and test the steps myself. To busy. Hence no more detailed steps.


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