
Author Topic: h2paswizard: Retain comments in original line within typedef/type conversions  (Read 2169 times)


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h2paswizard translates the C struct below correctly into the corresponding Pascal record, but the comments are cut out and inserted at the top. This behaviour seems to be hardcoded in h2pas (the underlying tool) and I cannot think of a way to prevent this with a pre-h2pas or after-h2pas tools (chains). - Or am I missing anything?

Any hint desired. Best regards.


Code: C  [Select][+][-]
  1. typedef struct SDL_HapticDirection
  2. {
  3.     Uint8 type;         /**< The type of encoding. */
  4.     Sint32 dir[3];      /**< The encoded direction. */
  5. } SDL_HapticDirection;

This is what happens (comments copied at the top):
Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. {*< The type of encoding.  }
  2. {*< The encoded direction.  }
  3. type
  4.   PSDL_HapticDirection = ^TSDL_HapticDirection;
  5.   TSDL_HapticDirection = record
  6.       type_: cuint8;
  7.       dir: array[0..2] of cint32;
  8.     end;

This is what is desired (comments retain next to fields):

Code: Pascal  [Select][+][-]
  1. type
  2.   PSDL_HapticDirection = ^TSDL_HapticDirection;
  3.   TSDL_HapticDirection = record
  4.       type_: cuint8;                    {*< The type of encoding.  }
  5.       dir: array[0..2] of cint32;       {*< The encoded direction.  }
  6.     end;


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Interestingly, here's the offending commit message:
commit 31a3763f12bb5605dd59173822a1765adec41ae0
Author: carl <>
Date:   Fri Aug 13 02:35:29 2004 +0000

      + bugfixes with C++ comments, they are now placed above the definition
      * some bugfixes with the _label reserved word.
So the behavior seems intentional. Just note that date, seems nobody touches this since then.


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Interestingly, here's the offending commit message:
commit 31a3763f12bb5605dd59173822a1765adec41ae0
Author: carl <>
Date:   Fri Aug 13 02:35:29 2004 +0000

      + bugfixes with C++ comments, they are now placed above the definition
      * some bugfixes with the _label reserved word.
So the behavior seems intentional. Just note that date, seems nobody touches this since then.

Thanks for the hint. I conclude from the commit message that there are troubles if comments are placed next to the fields with C++ comments. Maybe there is a better solution for this though except for adding all the comment above. For example there could be a switch to influence the result.


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Если мне память не изменяет, то вы можете сделать стандартные комментарии, такие как "//" или "(* ... *)" и они не изменят своего местоположения при переводе. Но я могу ошибаться. Уже около года как не переводил.

google translate:
If my memory serves me, you can make standard comments like "//" or "(* ... *)" and they won't change their location when translated. But I may be wrong. I haven't translated for about a year now.
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google translate:
If my memory serves me, you can make standard comments like "//" or "(* ... *)" and they won't change their location when translated. But I may be wrong. I haven't translated for about a year now.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I tried it. "//"-comments are also copied at the top. "(*"-comments generate an error.


Okay, I found a rather comfortable (not perfect) way to still translate it quickly.
  • Let h2pas put the comments above the type definition.
  • In the Lazarus editor: Tools -> Settings -> Key bindings(?) (non-English editor version) -> Text selection commands(?): Find "Paste (as columns)" and bind a key. - This was unbound before in my editor.
  • Select the comments above and paste them next to the translated constants/fields/... (with the new bound key).
« Last Edit: December 22, 2024, 01:18:17 am by BrainChemistry »


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