
Author Topic: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?  (Read 4696 times)


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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2024, 04:43:46 pm »
Most of the time is wasted on learning about the purpose of the program being created.
Coding is relatively quick: 1 or 2 Hours per day
what drives me crazy are the endless meetings (and the stench of cigarettes).


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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2024, 06:16:19 pm »
I can recall working 2 days in a row from 8:30-23:00 non-stop (well, had 10 minutes to eat).
AFAIK I didn't kill any of my patients.
Of course I don't take my programming to those extremes  :)



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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2024, 06:39:44 pm »
When younger, I certainly used to be able to manage substantially better than 5 hours, although "5 hours per stint, twice per day" might be accurate.

A great deal depends on whether one has been convinced that what one's doing is /worthwhile/, and (noting Bart's comment) I mean that in a fairly broad sense. There's also aspects related to different types of work, e.g. having to meet a 4-hour response time for a customer 150 miles away, working there 6 hours, and driving back (the American company I worked for did not look kindly on hotel stays since they didn't come out of a budget which could be directly recouped from customers).

These days, unfortunately, I'm not up to that and I also feel that I am not as good at giving setbacks the constructive attention they deserve. I'm reminded of the anecdote about Tom West in "Soul of a New Machine", where during a sustained work spell he found himself unable (by temperament as much as anything else) to do a relatively simple domestic repair: "threw the pump across the room and told his wife to call the plumber" were I think the words used.

Focusing on software development, I also find myself wondering whether the vast increase in the size of support libraries etc., and the consistently-poor standard of documentation ("why invest in writing manuals when the user can Google for peer support?") is something that affects all of us.

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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2024, 06:58:15 pm »
For me, a lot depends on the following:
1) Do I enjoy the type of code at that time?  I've coded a lot of apps I have no interest in and didn't enjoy the process.  If I like it, I'll go 10 hours no problem.  I don't 2 hours and I need a break.
2) Am I stuck?  If I know what I'm doing and I'm rolling along and just need to write code, I keep going.  If I am hitting speed bumps and problems, I need a break to reset my brain to come at it from a different perspective.
3) What did I do the day before?  10 hours in one day, sure, 10 hours every day, not happening.  You need a break.

One of the most important things, everyone is different.  Trying to come up with a one solution fits all never works.  Some people, let them stay and code.  Some people, go home, take a break.


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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2024, 02:24:26 am »
I had interesting observation recently. I was surprised how long I could work with just pen and paper. No computer but paper and my side notes and hand-written code. I was writing actual code, not a pseudo-code. I could concentrate deeper and follow each variable state mentally. I kind of enjoyed such work better too.

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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2024, 03:17:30 am »
I do that too  :)
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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2025, 01:44:17 am »
A lecturer once told me,  and this was after an attendance at some conference was that 2 hours of uninterrupted work was similar to 8 hours interrupted! Which can be scary in that when I was professionally working for someone else the interruptions through the day were constant.

Perhaps I should be content with the fact I kept the gears oiled. Pity my own wasn't soo much.
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Re: What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2025, 01:48:15 pm »
I am lucky to develop applications that are strongly tied to hardware (industrial lines) and they are different programs each time and with new challenges. I love programming, and the connection with hardware allows me to "disconnect" from writing code continuously by distracting myself.

Writing code, even if interspersed with integration with hardware and its preparation, takes up about ten hours a day, with peaks of 14 hours for periods.
Normally they are 3 trance of 3-hour code programming interrupted by meals and 1 hour distributed of hardware-related activity.
It must be said that the study of how to develop a particular algorithm, how to implement it in a global way that can be used in all applications and above all how to use what has already been developed takes up a significant slice of time.
I don't smoke and I drink a couple of coffees a day.


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