Forum > LCL

crash db navigator with LCL Scaling and low res

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--- Quote from: calm_sea on December 12, 2024, 04:47:41 pm ---On full hd screens everything is OK. On lower resolution screens, or lowering the full hd [...]

--- End quote ---
This does not an answer my question. You are mentioning LCLScaling, and the screen's pixel-per-inch density is an important parameter for it. In Windows, right-click on the desktop, select "Display settings". In the block "Scaling and Layout" (or similar...), what is shown in the field "Scaling (changes the size of text, apps and other elements)"? If you see "100%" here, you do not need LCLScaling at all. On the other hand, if I know your pixels-per-inch I can run experiments on my own and check whether the DBNavigator has a scaling issue. Or better: Create a small demo application showing the issue and upload it here.

I, at home, have two PCs that I use with 1920 x 1080 and 125% and I have made an application that works perfectly. At school on many different PCs, all of which have 1366 x 768 resolution and 100% , the application crashes on the db navigator. If , in the PC I have at home to develop ,I lower the resolution to 1366 x 768 and 100% the application crashes on my PC as well

Another thing. sometimes, before crashing, I have an error   list index out of bound I use Firebird Embedded latest version

I moved the management of the table from a pagecontrol of the main form to a dedicated form and the problem disappeared

Just made a simple application with a TBufDataset, TDataSource and TDBNavigator on Windows at 100% and 1024x768, and I did not see a crash when I moved with the mouse over the DBNavigator. Please try to create and upload a small project which demonstrates the error.


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