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lazarus 4.0 RC1 error

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sorry i am also not on my desk , if i come home i will try your suggestion  , thank you

Those -vm... are generated if you have some messages suppressed.

Most likely in
Menu: Project > Project options
then page: Compiler Options > Messages

For each checkbox that is NOT checked, one of the numbers is added.
(I don't know what those numbers correspondent to)

If not on that page, then you would have in some custom options have that command line listed....

If you did not select "secondary installation" then your new Lazarus shares the same config than whatever Lazarus you may already have installed.
So if in your existing install you made such changes, and saved them as default => then that explains why they are set.

I am not sure why they cause the error. Maybe if you have an installation with a custom fpc install, using fpc fixes or trunk. Those may have more numbers than the fpc 3.2.2 that comes wit Lazarus 4.0RC. And the fpc 3.2.2 may therefore give an error.

Just tested.

fpc 3.2.3 accepts -vm6060
fpc 3.2.2 does not.

So its a new msg number that was added after the release of 3.2.2


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