Forum > Database

[Solved!] DBLookupListBox shows (MEMO) in place of the data

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Thanks. I don't know what you mean by try it out. There's nothing to try - it doesn't move from Memo. I've tried changing it in code and it still doesn't work.

I suppose that field isn't the only Text in your database / application - do other fields you did cast in the way described in your first post work as expected?

--- Quote from: Zvoni on December 10, 2024, 10:57:23 am ---There were some changes in the sqlite3connection-class

--- End quote ---

Do you happen to know what these changes are?


--- Quote from: Sieben on December 10, 2024, 11:10:25 pm ---I suppose that field isn't the only Text in your database / application - do other fields you did cast in the way described in your first post work as expected?

--- End quote ---

Hi, thanks for the reply! No, they don't - all DBLookupListboxes are returning (MEMO). DBGrids are working fine, so that is an option if I'm desperate - but I'd very much prefer to keep certain items as Listboxes.


--- Quote from: Sieben on December 10, 2024, 11:10:25 pm ---I suppose that field isn't the only Text in your database / application - do other fields you did cast in the way described in your first post work as expected?

--- Quote from: Zvoni on December 10, 2024, 10:57:23 am ---There were some changes in the sqlite3connection-class

--- End quote ---

Do you happen to know what these changes are?

--- End quote ---

Which was a poor fix.
Instead of fixing the problem with length for ftString the field was just changed to ftMemo
(which exhibits this problem).

It would have been better to just fix the original problem.

The fix want even for normal tables but for FTS-Tables (virtual tables).
So it introduced more problems than it fixed.


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