440bx I’m not sure what you mean by this. I’ve offered you the opportunity to tell everyone how you would build a house or make a cake without using objects . I was genuinely interested in how it would be done. Because you are the one claiming that it’s possible to do anything without using objects. 
We're talking about programming here, not building houses (or baking cakes.) However, as far as building houses, the methods vary dramatically depending on things such as climate and purpose among many others.
440bx it almost seems as though you are asking for help to transform your project into an oop program.
You're funny. I already wrote the program without your help and the last thing I want is an OOP version of it. Write the OOP version and you'll know why.
Are you able to tell me what the program does and what sorts of data it has?
I can do better than that. Compile and run the program, what it does should be patently obvious to a programmer.
What if the person making the cake is a child who doesn’t know how to read and has no knowledge of how to cook?
I don't let children operate stoves, particularly those who have not learned how to read yet.
The characteristics of objects and their relationships to each other and their behavior predate computing.
You've got quite a fallacy going in your argument. Real objects don't inherit from other objects, e.g, a 3 bedroom house doesn't inherit from a studio in its way to becoming a 3 bedroom house.
I doubt it. Oop doesn’t work well with copy paste programmers it’s too complicated.
In OOP the copy/paste method "graduated" to inheritance which is one of the reasons OOP programs are much bigger than a reasonably well designed pure procedural program.
One of the similarities between A.I and OOP, is the extensive use of "prefabricated" blocks glued together. Initial productivity is higher but the quality is _much_ lower. Like a prefab house.
You criticize A.I as I do but, unlike me, you refuse to see that the reason(s) A.I is being used are much the same as the reason OOP has become popular. It allows people often with limited knowledge to feel more productive, very often at the expense of the final product's quality.