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Python4Lazarus Undefined symbol: PyExc_ValueError

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In CudaText, origin of SLibItem is the option "pylib__linux" which user writes to user.json config.

So I went down this rabbit hole again.  Had further problems with my live install, but then travelled for Xmass. I wanted to play with the setup so installed the exact same environment on a VirtualBox.

The DLLPath setting alone did not help me this time, so I have a log of all the changes I made.  I cannot be sure that everything was required but I am listing here for anyone else that comes across the issue.

### Summary of Actions Taken to Resolve Lazarus-Python Integration Issue

1. **Tested first with Simple App from Al As  - **:
   - Verified that the Lazarus app compiled but the window would immediately close again when using the `pythonforlazarus` library.
   - Confirmed that Python was indeed functioning correctly and interacted correctly with other apps via the CLI(bash).
   - Opening of the window was resolved by applying the scrollbar to the TMemo. Why, I do not know.  I initially missed this step and thought it not required.

2. **Dependencies and Environment**:
   - Ensured all necessary dependencies for Lazarus and Python were installed.
   - Installed `python3-dev` libraries to provide header files and static library for Python development.

3. **Configuration in Lazarus**:
   - Set `DllPath` to `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu` and `DllName` to ``.
   - Set environment variables in `.bashrc`:
     export PYTHONHOME=/usr
     export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.11
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

4. **Adjusting Lazarus Component Settings**:
   - Set `AutoUnload` to True, `FatalAbort` to True, `InitThreads` to True, and `uselastknownversion` to False in the `pythonforlazarus` component settings(object inspector).

5. **Resolving UI Issues**:
   - Ticked the scrollbar setting in the Memo component to prevent the window from closing immediately after startup.
   - In my other app, Set `LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR` to `0` to address UI-related issues.

6. **Debugging with `strace` and `LD_DEBUG`**:
   - Used `strace` to trace system calls and signals:
     strace -f -o trace.log ./YourApplication
   - Set `LD_DEBUG` to `libs` for detailed information about library loading:
     LD_DEBUG=libs ./YourApplication

One or a combination of the above got the test app working and thus my own app as well( Pythonforlazarus not implemented as a UI component).

All this is unclear to me - what do you suggest for my git repo of Python4Lazarus?

Alex, I apologize again for my slow response here.  I am inundated at work right now.

I took record and then listed everything I did here in case it helped someone in the future.  I would have to start a fresh VM and do it all again to try to refine what exact steps worked.


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