Forum > Linux

Api/component pack for Raspbian Linux, to use disk status.

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--- Quote from: pascalbythree on December 09, 2024, 10:07:30 am ---I mean a Lazarus component suite for disk handling.

--- End quote ---

You open files, write to them, and close them. Is that what you're asking?

Tell us accurately what you're looking for and somebody might be able to help. but we're not mind readers.


@pascalbythree: I think you're barking up the wrong tree... What would make you think, that someone would put low-level disk IO-operations from the kernel and RTL level, into a high-level framework like the /lazarus/ component framework?!?
The functions/procedures, structures, kernel-calls & signal-handlers are all there in FPC, for you to use as you see fit ...but alas, it entails work for *you* to make it all happen, *no-one* is giving you more than that!
If you feel like it and really need it, you'll figure it out ...and then /hopefully/ share your findings with the rest of us.
In short: Do it yourself!
Regards Benny


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