Forum > Embedded

Arduino R4

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--- Quote from: marcov on November 27, 2024, 10:21:39 am ---Hmm, CAN and DMA, and shop also has a W5500 shield ...

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They have a very nice 9 axis shield as well...
9-axis shield

Moderator notice: fixed link. =--> As poster was looking around to see how to fix it... thanks.

As said, it's a Cortex-M4 with FPU. Well-supported instruction set in FPC

But.. It's a Renesas. Personally I'm not touching their stuff
Case in point, they only have a single Errata sheet published. For a device with a 1400 page manual


--- Quote from: Laksen on November 27, 2024, 03:59:14 pm ---As said, it's a Cortex-M4 with FPU. Well-supported instruction set in FPC

But.. It's a Renesas. Personally I'm not touching their stuff
Case in point, they only have a single Errata sheet published. For a device with a 1400 page manual

--- End quote ---

What device is that?

I can't speak to this new Arduino, but having used many Arduino's for many, many small projects with ease and reliability, I wouldn't dismiss them for project boots at all.  I also use them to "s]"]>Blockedlate" other projects (in effect make sensor or actuator simulators for other devices during development and test).  My son made a drone that measured interior dimensions of rooms with one.

They also have a more professional line of boards for manufacturers, in there caution is warranted - but then the proof is in the eating.


--- Quote from: AlanTheBeast on November 27, 2024, 03:49:58 pm ---They have a very nice 9 axis shield as well...
9-axis shield

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I have my own axis platform for slightly heavier motor, based on external ACT closed loop stepper drivers(typically Reichelt) in combination with an own dspic33e board. 3/4 active motors per board that can run concurrently with very low CPU use. (using hardware peripherals for the pulse generation). 

Disadvantage: Eur 30-50 per axis for the driver.
Advantage: with the motor done by the external driver and the peripheral code done, it is almost scripting to program actions.  Also we can generate hardware derivative signals of the movement ( a pulse every configurable pulses of the motor) for e.g. precision triggering.


--- Quote from: marcov on November 27, 2024, 05:36:26 pm ---
--- Quote from: AlanTheBeast on November 27, 2024, 03:49:58 pm ---They have a very nice 9 axis shield as well...
9-axis shield

--- End quote ---

I have my own axis platform for slightly heavier motor, based on external ACT closed loop stepper drivers(typically Reichelt) in combination with an own dspic33e board. 3/4 active motors per board that can run concurrently with very low CPU use. (using hardware peripherals for the pulse generation). 

Disadvantage: Eur 30-50 per axis for the driver.
Advantage: with the motor done by the external driver and the peripheral code done, it is almost scripting to program actions.  Also we can generate hardware derivative signals of the movement ( a pulse every configurable pulses of the motor) for e.g. precision triggering.

--- End quote ---

Sounds too steady state for my needs - or I'm not getting what you're doing.

Given their market of the "maker" / "hobbyist" / "tinkerer" this shield is pretty good.  I've integrated (badly so far) a SparkFun 6 axis (gyros and accels) board to a RaspPi under Ultibo (RTL) - hard to debug when you go in the weeds alone - this shield looks easier to use and better (and is larger and heavier too....).  I'm tempted to get the R4 and make it the inertial platform to feed reduced ("integral") data to the Pi.  (If your "he's a lazy bastard" detector went off, it's in good order).


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