Forum > Beginners

[SOLVED] Procedure parameter with no type?

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I have come accross the following routine:
procedure TSomething.AssignFrame(var Buf; Count: integer; bSometihing: boolean; ANr:cardinal; ATime:TDateTime);

I cannot find out what the type of Buf is. The code compiles and runs :o
Could it be a variant or could it be anything?

Treat it as an untyped pointer. See as an example and note that in this situation you will invariably have a count parameter which has to be initialised to the size of the buffer.



Thanks, I will try to figure these documents out.
Edit: I have handled the case successfully.

Joanna from IRC:
I used to do things like that so that I could use one procedure for different types of parameters. Are you able to see the inner workings of the procedure with untyped parameter?
I remember having code to test what parameter was and typecast it inside of the procedure...


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