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kernel 6.8 and checking serial ports - failure to match driver name
robert rozee:
revised code, making use of fpAccess() to check we have RW access to each device:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---program project1; uses SysUtils, BaseUnix, TermIO; var DeviceName:string; SR:TSearchRec; FD:longint;// tios:TermIOS; n, c, PT:integer; begin n:=0; c:=0;//if FindFirst('/dev/tty*', faAnyFile , SR) = 0 then // original (only finds tty* devices) if FindFirst('/sys/class/tty/*', faAnyFile , SR) = 0 then // alternative: should ALSO find any rfcomm* repeat DeviceName:=SR.Name; if (DeviceName<>'.') and (DeviceName<>'..') then // exclude '.' and '..' if fpAccess('/dev/'+DeviceName, R_OK+W_OK)=0 then // exclude devices we have NO ACCESS to if FileExists('/sys/class/tty/'+DeviceName+'/device/driver') or // this suffices with FPC prior to 3.20 DirectoryExists('/sys/class/tty/'+DeviceName+'/device/driver') then // from FPC 3.20 onwards we need this instead begin if FileExists('/sys/class/tty/'+DeviceName+'/type') then PT:=1 // port type 1 = fixed serial port else PT:=2; // port type 2 = removable/USB if PT=1 then begin FD:=fpOpen('/dev/'+DeviceName, O_RDWR or O_NONBLOCK or O_NOCTTY); if FD<0 then PT:=0 else // -1, couldn't open /dev entry -> failure! begin if IsATTY(FD)=0 then PT:=0 // IsATTY (and TTYname) use ioctl/TCGETS else inc(n); // count number of fixed serial ports// if fpIOCtl(FD,TCGETS,@tios)<>0 then PT:=0 // TCGETS: on success 0 is returned,// else inc(n); // on error -1 is returned fpClose(FD) end end; if PT<>0 then inc(c); // count total number of ports case PT of 1:writeln('* ', DeviceName); // fixed serial port, verified as real 2:writeln(' ', DeviceName) // removable (USB) serial port end end until FindNext(SR) <> 0; if n<>0 then writeln('(', n, ' fixed devices)'); if c=0 then writeln('no serial ports found'); FindClose(SR)end.
addendum 25-dec-2025: changed search from "/dev/tty*" to "/sys/class/tty/*". in theory this should now also catch /dev/rfcomm* (serial over bluetooth) devices.
rob :-)
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