Forum > Windows

Debug symbols line number bug



Please refer to the attachment.

Execution is currently stopped at source line 901 (see left hand side), this is (correctly) reflected on the right hand side (line 901).

The problem is that there are two (2) additional "901" lines (they are above the current one) and only the currently highlighted one is the correct one. The other two are incorrect.

Comments welcome.

Note: FPC v3.2.2,  Lazarus v3.99

I haven't looked into the concrete reasons for this case. But this happens a lot.

The compiler writes some of the "end" line code with the "begin" line number, and vice versa. Also "try" line code and some other stuff goes into end/begin....

You will also notice that when stepping.


--- Quote from: Martin_fr on November 23, 2024, 10:07:15 am ---I haven't looked into the concrete reasons for this case. But this happens a lot.

The compiler writes some of the "end" line code with the "begin" line number, and vice versa. Also "try" line code and some other stuff goes into end/begin....

You will also notice that when stepping.

--- End quote ---
Yes, I've noticed it before too.

I figured that since FPC v3.2.4 is being "prepared", this might have been a good time to bring it up.

Afaik it is still the same in 3.3.1
So then there is nothing that could get merged to 3.2.4

But maybe someone from fpc know more...

There probably is a bug report on it too. But I couldn't find it right now (didn't spent much time to search).


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