You cannot specify the spacing between the candles, only the width of the candles. There are two properties for it: TOpenHighLowCloseSeries.TickWidth and TOpenHighLowCloseSeries.TickWidthStyle = (twsPercent, twsPercentMin). In any case the TickWidth is understood as a percentage of the distance between adjacent x values (*). When the distance between the x values varies the candle width is not constant. But when you select TickWidthStyle = twsPercentMin the percentage refers to the minimum distance between adjacent x values.
See attached project for a demonstration. It also allows to play with the up/down colors.
(*) This statement is not precisely correct: The phrase "tick width" refers to the one-sided ticks of the series in OHLC presentation. Therefore, the candle stick bar width is twice this value, or in other words, Tickwidth is the percentage of the total candle width to the two-sided data point distance between left to right neighbour.