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[Solved]Object Inspector multi select bug
Tony Stone:
Just occurred to me too that maybe when doing range select it should automatically expand the collapsed items so the user clearly sees there is many other items selected?
No I changed my feelings on this again!
When it comes to selecting items in a tree view, my stance is pretty straightforward: if child items are collapsed, they shouldn't be selected when I'm doing a range selection (Shift + Click). It just makes sense that if I can't see those child items, they shouldn't get selected automatically—it's like selecting something behind my back. But if the children are visible, then yes, they should be part of the range selection, because that’s what I can see and what I expect to interact with.
Control + Click works fine for me, regardless of whether the children are visible or collapsed—since it's meant for precise, individual selection, it should keep working the way it does. But for Shift + Click, I think it’s all about sticking to what’s visible to avoid surprises and make sure the interface feels intuitive.
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