Installing ATSynEdit from OPM constantly failing with this message:
Unable to find file "datetimepicker.pas".
If it belongs to your project, check search path in
Project -> Compiler Options -> Search Paths -> Other Unit Files. If this file belongs to a package, check the appropriate package compiler options. If this file belongs to Lazarus, make sure compiling clean. If the file belongs to FPC then check fpc.cfg. If unsure, check Project -> CompilerOptions -> Test
I.e. recompiling IDE with this component alway return this message and refuse
to compile. Seems that "datetimepicker.pas" missing. Not me nor ATSynEdit use this "datetimepicker.pas".
Lazarus 3.6 and FPC 3.2.2 + source was installed using deb packages.
Edit: This seems to be old issue, but never fixed.