Forum > Designer
Cannot remove TShellListView from form
Do we know of any Lazarus version where this worked correctly?
We need a version wehre this worked OK, so we can bisect the guilty revisison.
(I don't see any obvious candidates in the history of TSHellListView.)
I could reproduce the issue in a stand-alone program with just a TShellListView and a TButton.
In the button's onclick I free the TShellListView --> application freezes.
(All this on Linux x86_64, GTK2. No crash wth QT.)
If you hide the TShellListView before freeing it, the app remains responsive, but you get a crash on closing the app, and you still have to kill it.
I can't figure out what is so special about TShellListView that this happens, when it does not happen with a TListView.
--- Quote from: Bart on November 16, 2024, 03:09:49 pm ---I can't figure out what is so special about TShellListView that this happens, when it does not happen with a TListView.
--- End quote ---
Apparently it references some GNOME, Gtk, or something related resources.
wp found the quilty revision, now just figure out what's wrong with it (proabbly in the WS registration code somewhere).
Fixed in Lazarus main in commit 9b59add4 and merged to fixes branch.
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