Forum > Database
SQLite3Connection testing
Thank you so much for your advice:
For rvk,
Yes, SQLite3.dll inside the directory where lazarus.exe is.
For Zvoni,
I use Win11, my IDE and SQLite3 are both 64-bit.
For backprop
Thank you. Your explicit definition of DB is valuable.
I only check with Object Inspector.
I haven't check like yours in code.
I was not 100% srue for this matter.
But now, it comes close to 100%
if you like to have a working framework look at
You then have a working SQLite Connection with somegoodies.
Furthermore it shows how to use Frames and Forms
--- Quote from: MoonWolf_001 on November 11, 2024, 04:55:06 pm ---For backprop
Thank you. Your explicit definition of DB is valuable.
I only check with Object Inspector.
I haven't check like yours in code.
--- End quote ---
It is the same, just without visual components. Only you need to connect necessary components in IDE as shown.
If you use specific SQLite library, ensure to be added as shown and that is all. Provide SQLite library you need with your executable, not Lazarus.exe.
To CharlyTango,
Thanks for sharing good project. To be honest, it's beyond my understanding, however I can learn many things. For exsample how to use Github itself. I will come back to your code when I need larger db project.
To backprop,
Thank you for guide me by using code only case. The idea itself is very valuable. And you are very kind.
In Summary, the reason why ask this question was to gain enough knowledge for stable SQlite3 connection. In my case, more than 95%
case , it's done stably. Rest of the case, I manage to overcome establishing the connection.
Please find an attached Picture.This is my largest DB project so far. This is my 'To do list Level10', using SQL3Connection, SQLTransaction, SQLQuery, DataSource, DBGrid, DBNavigator.
I really satisfied with lazarus. And I would like to share the nice IDE, Lazarus, to Japanese.
And This is my first post, the issue had been solved.
Thank you so much for your valuable advice.
Hi, This is MoonWolf. This is just for your information.
I would like to report :
Lazarus DBGrid and DBNavigator work well in Japanese environment.
Testing Environment:
IDE : Lazarus 3.6 in JA language
DB : SQLite3
OS : Windows11 Pro in Japanese
Testing Case:
- Shown table is prepared by SQLite3 in advance.
The table has some Japanese characters.
- SQLite3.DLL is the same folder of *.exe
- Connect SQLite3 by SQLite3Connection
- Place SQLTransaction, SQLQuery, DataSource, DBGrid and DBNavigator.
- First, only show table by DBGrid.
- Next, modify field data, insert record, delete record by DBNavigator.
Everything works well for this scenario.
Testing result summary in short video:
Pascal is not known in Japan. Lazarus has Form Editor and Object Inspecotor. Compare to other language, Lazarus is advanced and easy to use. So, I would like to nicely share this IDE to Japanese.
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