Option Explicit
Private mvarFadeStartColor As Long 'Start Color
Private mvarFadeEndColor As Long 'End Color
Private fcsr As Long 'Red Start
Private fcsg As Long 'Green Start
Private fcsb As Long 'Blue Start
Private fcer As Long 'Red End
Private fceg As Long 'Green End
Private fceb As Long 'Blue End
Enum ColorFadeGradientConstants
HorizontalGradient = 0
VerticalGradient = 1
DiagUpperLeftGradient = 2
DiagUpperRightGradient = 3
DiagLowerLeftGradient = 4
DiagLowerRightGradient = 5
End Enum
Public Function GetFadeColor(Optional fcFadePercent As Long = 50) As Long
GetFadeColor = DetermineFade(fcsr, fcsg, fcsb, fcer, fceg, fceb, fcFadePercent)
End Function
Public Function GetFadeColor2(Optional fcFadePercent As Long = 50, Optional fcSegments As Long = 2) As Long
Dim fcs As Long, fcp As Long, s As Single, p As Single
Dim np As Long
fcs = fcSegments 'Maybe I should of ByVal'd, but who cares?
If fcs > 100 Then fcs = 100 'More than 12 segments looks like crap
If fcs < 1 Then fcs = 1 '0 segments makes no fade here
fcp = fcFadePercent 'Another byval waiting to happen
If fcp > 100 Then fcp = 100 'More than 100% could cause an error
If fcp < 1 Then fcp = 1 'Same with less than 1% for the simple
s = CSng(100 / fcs) 'Get a fraction for percentage perposes.
p = CSng(Int(fcp / s) + 1) 'Determine the segment based on the percent
If p = 1 Then
np = fcp * fcs
np = (fcp - ((p - 1) * s)) * fcs
End If
If (p / 2) = Int(p / 2) Then
GetFadeColor2 = DetermineFade(fcer, fceg, fceb, fcsr, fcsg, fcsb, np) ' Even Segment - End-Start
GetFadeColor2 = DetermineFade(fcsr, fcsg, fcsb, fcer, fceg, fceb, np) ' Odd Segment - Start-End
End If
End Function
Public Sub PaintObj(Obj As Object, Gradient As ColorFadeGradientConstants)
If (TypeOf Obj Is Form) Or (TypeOf Obj Is PictureBox) Then
PaintObject Obj, Gradient ' Only support forms and picture boxes
End If
End Sub
Public Sub PaintObj2(Obj As Object, Gradient As ColorFadeGradientConstants, Optional CycleCount As Long = 1)
If (TypeOf Obj Is Form) Or (TypeOf Obj Is PictureBox) Then
PaintObject2 Obj, Gradient, CycleCount ' Only support forms and picture boxes
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PaintObject(frm As Object, Gradient As ColorFadeGradientConstants)
Dim ScreenX As Long 'Screen width dimension
Dim ScreenY As Long 'Screen height dimension
Dim h As Long 'Object Height
Dim w As Long 'Object Width
Dim y As Long 'Current Y-Position
Dim x As Long 'Current X-Position
Dim a As Long 'Current Angle Offset Multiplier
Dim ax As Long 'Current Angle Offset
Dim x1 As Long, x2 As Long 'Left and Right of the object
Dim y1 As Long, y2 As Long 'Top and Bottom of the object
Dim i As Long 'Loop Counter
Dim j As Long 'Loop Counter
Dim c As Long 'Cycles or other value
ScreenX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'Determine the horizontal screen dimension
ScreenY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'Determine the vertical screen dimension
x1 = 0: x2 = (frm.Width / ScreenX) 'Get the pixel width of the object
y1 = 0: y2 = (frm.Height / ScreenY) 'Get the pixel height of the object
ax = (y2 / 2)
Select Case Gradient
Case HorizontalGradient
For i = y1 To y2
y = (i / y2) * 100
frm.Line (x1 * ScreenX, i * ScreenY)-(x2 * ScreenX, i * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(y)
Next i
Case VerticalGradient
For i = x1 To x2
x = (i / x2) * 100
frm.Line (i * ScreenX, y1 * ScreenY)-(i * ScreenX, y2 * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(x)
Next i
Case DiagLowerLeftGradient
For i = x1 - ax To x2 + ax
x = (i / x2) * 100
frm.Line ((i - ax) * ScreenX, y1 * ScreenY)-((i + ax) * ScreenX, y2 * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(x)
Next i
Case DiagUpperLeftGradient
For i = x2 + ax To x1 - ax Step -1
x = (i / x2) * 100
frm.Line ((i + ax) * ScreenX, y1 * ScreenY)-((i - ax) * ScreenX, y2 * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(x)
Next i
Case DiagUpperRightGradient
For i = x1 - ax To x2 + ax
x = 100 - ((i / x2) * 100)
frm.Line ((i - ax) * ScreenX, y1 * ScreenY)-((i + ax) * ScreenX, y2 * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(x)
Next i
Case DiagLowerRightGradient
For i = x2 + ax To x1 - ax Step -1
x = 100 - ((i / x2) * 100)
frm.Line ((i + ax) * ScreenX, y1 * ScreenY)-((i - ax) * ScreenX, y2 * ScreenY), Me.GetFadeColor(x)
Next i
Case Else
' The gradient is not found!
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub PaintObject2(frm As Object, Gradient As ColorFadeGradientConstants, Optional CycleCount As Long = 1)
Dim ScreenX As Long 'Screen dimension
Dim ScreenY As Long 'Screen dimension
Dim h As Long 'Object Height
Dim w As Long 'Object Width
Dim y As Long 'Current Y-Position
Dim x As Long 'Current X-Position
Dim a As Long 'Current Angle Offset Multiplier
Dim ax As Long 'Current Angle Offset
Dim x1 As Long, x2 As Long 'Left and Right of the object
Dim y1 As Long, y2 As Long 'Top and Bottom of the object
Dim i As Long 'Loop Counter
Dim j As Long 'Loop Counter
Dim c As Long 'Cycles or other value
ScreenX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'Determine the horizontal screen dimension
ScreenY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'Determine the vertical screen dimension
x1 = 0: x2 = (frm.Width / ScreenX) 'Get the pixel width of the object
y1 = 0: y2 = (frm.Height / ScreenY) 'Get the pixel height of the object
c = CycleCount
If c < 1 Then c = 1 'Capping the cycle count for slower computers
If c > 12 Then c = 12
c = c * 2 'Double it for the rounded effect.
Select Case Gradient
Case HorizontalGradient
x1 = 0: x2 = frm.Width
y1 = 1: y2 = Int(frm.Height / (ScreenY * 100)) + 1
For j = y1 To y2
For i = 1 To 100
frm.Line (x1, y)-(x2, y), Me.GetFadeColor2(i, c)
y = (((ScreenY * 100) * (j - 1)) + (i * ScreenY))
Next i
Next j
Case VerticalGradient
x1 = 1: x2 = Int(frm.Width / (ScreenX * 100)) + 1
y1 = 0: y2 = frm.Height
For j = x1 To x2
For i = 1 To 100
frm.Line (x, y1)-(x, y2), Me.GetFadeColor2(i, c)
x = (((ScreenX * 100) * (j - 1)) + (i * ScreenX))
Next i
Next j
Case DiagUpperRightGradient, DiagLowerLeftGradient
x1 = 1: x2 = Int(frm.Width / (ScreenX * 100)) + 1
y1 = 0: y2 = frm.Height
ax = Int(((y2 / (ScreenY * 100)) + 1) / 2) + 1
a = (y2 / 2)
For j = x1 - ax To x2 + ax
For i = 1 To 100
frm.Line (x - a, y1)-(x + a, y2), Me.GetFadeColor2(i, c)
x = (((ScreenX * 100) * (j - 1)) + (i * ScreenX))
Next i
Next j
Case DiagUpperLeftGradient, DiagLowerRightGradient
x1 = 1: x2 = Int(frm.Width / (ScreenX * 100)) + 1
y1 = 0: y2 = frm.Height
ax = Int(((y2 / (ScreenY * 100)) + 1) / 2) + 1
a = (y2 / 2)
For j = x1 - ax To x2 + ax
For i = 1 To 100
frm.Line (x + a, y1)-(x - a, y2), Me.GetFadeColor2(i, c)
x = (((ScreenX * 100) * (j - 1)) + (i * ScreenX))
Next i
Next j
End Select
End Sub
Public Property Let FadeEndColor(ByVal vData As Long) 'Sets the fade end color and the individual RGB values
mvarFadeEndColor = vData
Call DetermineRGB(vData, fcer, fceg, fceb)
End Property
Public Property Get FadeEndColor() As Long 'Returns the fade end color
FadeEndColor = mvarFadeEndColor
End Property
Public Property Let FadeStartColor(ByVal vData As Long) 'Sets the fade end color and the individual RGB values
mvarFadeStartColor = vData
Call DetermineRGB(vData, fcsr, fcsg, fcsb)
End Property
Public Property Get FadeStartColor() As Long
FadeStartColor = mvarFadeStartColor 'Returns the fade start color.
End Property
Private Sub DetermineRGB(varRGB As Long, varRed As Long, varGreen As Long, varBlue As Long)
Dim rs$ 'String to hold the hex of the color
rs$ = Hex(varRGB)
While Len(rs$) < 6
rs$ = "0" & rs$
varRed = Val("&H" & Mid(rs$, 5, 2))
varGreen = Val("&H" & Mid(rs$, 3, 2))
varBlue = Val("&H" & Mid(rs$, 1, 2))
End Sub
Private Function DetermineFade(R1 As Long, G1 As Long, B1 As Long, R2 As Long, G2 As Long, B2 As Long, Percent As Long) As Long
Dim fcr As Long 'Red
Dim fcg As Long 'Green
Dim fcb As Long 'Blue
Dim fcp As Long 'Percentage
fcp = Percent
If fcp > 100 Then fcp = 100
If fcp < 0 Then fcp = 0
fcr = MidPoint(R1, R2, fcp) 'Interpolate
fcg = MidPoint(G1, G2, fcp) 'Interpolate
fcb = MidPoint(B1, B2, fcp) 'Interpolate
DetermineFade = RGB(fcr, fcg, fcb) 'Return a long number.
End Function
Private Function MidPoint(x1 As Long, x2 As Long, p As Long) As Long ' Interpolation to find a midpoint number based on percentage
If x1 > x2 Then
MidPoint = x1 - ((x1 - x2) * (p / 100))
MidPoint = ((x2 - x1) * (p / 100)) + x1
End If
End Function