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Free Pascal DOS: Is LFN required for work?

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I installed FP with LFN in DOSBox-x. I copied it to CF card for Pocket 386 with DOS 6.22. It is necessary LFN for work with it? Bacause I use Dos Navigator without LFN. Necromancer Dos Navigator doesn't work on this computer. Copying files may break LFN in this version of DN. I don't find any file with LFN in Free Pascal.

Usually FPC is considered to be usable without SFN, but it is hard to compile (bootstrap) FPC itself or build releases without LFN. Maybe older Dos users used Win9x anyway.

I haven't heard much news on the practicalities of the dos front for daily use in recent years.

Thank you for your answer.

DOS is for retro projects. No for daily use.

Is it possible to tell FP to also search recursively in subdirectories when looking for libraries for programs? I can't run the examples without putting the libraries all in one directory.

For precompiled units and unit source, yes:  Append a * to the end of the path e.g.


(preferably in the similar line in fpc.cfg)

Libraries (external .a files), not that I know.


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