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Free Pascal Text Mode IDE for macOS

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Also out of curiosity. I work in Lazarus normally.

I found a fp executable in this folder:
Macintosh HD > usr > local > bin >

The fp executable is from 2018, whereas the Lazarus+FPC is from 2023, which is the last time I installed an 'official' release.
Usually I install from FPCUpDeluxe, in different folders, but in these there is no fp executable


--- Quote from: JdeHaan on November 08, 2024, 08:56:07 pm ---I found a fp executable in this folder:
Macintosh HD > usr > local > bin >

--- End quote ---

I recently deleted any trace of the old FPC installation from /usr/local/bin since it was causing problems with Lazarus 4.0rc1 :o

I've just checked on and the link to old releases just gives a 404 :(

@JdeHaan, any chance of uploading the fp executable here, on the off-chance that it doesn't have any dependencies 😉

The file is bigger than 500K, so that doesn't work.
But I put the file on Github for you to copy:


--- Quote from: JdeHaan on November 09, 2024, 07:40:37 am ---The file is bigger than 500K, so that doesn't work.
But I put the file on Github for you to copy:

--- End quote ---

That's great, thanks 🙏🏽. I see what you mean about the lack of mouse-response! You can access the menu options by pressing Option + The letter highlighted in red. But, even going into Options --> Environment -> Keyboard & Mouse doesn't seem to offer any likely fix.

Also, the default colour scheme is sub-optimal, if I'm being honest  ;)

This is a shame because fp has enough about it to be a useful alternative  🤔


--- Quote from: carl_caulkett on November 08, 2024, 12:03:26 am ---Am I right in thinking that the FP Text Mode IDE is not available for macOS? I've searched within my FPC installation for an executable called fp (I believe that's what it's called) but I can't find anything.

--- End quote ---

The text mode IDE is not considered supported on macOS due to issues with the terminal.


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