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Free Pascal Text Mode IDE for macOS

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You mean the 68000 series? I might be wrong, but not for the Intels and the M series.
Cross-compile from the fp textmode ide CAN be done but requires quite a lot of FV knowledge to adapt the compiler menu's yourself and is NOT standard when compiling to a different CPU o any platform.
I have 7 cross-compilers installed and fp does not pick them up on any platform unless I patch it.
Also, it might be the case that "parsing user screen" (bottom left) is not allowed to finish and that can take some time before the IDE becomes responsive to mouse and keyboard.
The latter may wel be the case.

No I meant literally when the CPU differs (I should have emphasized that).


--- Quote from: TRon on November 19, 2024, 12:51:46 pm ---No I meant literally when the CPU differs (I should have emphasized that).

--- End quote ---
I editted my post, plz re-read. posts crossed.
You have to edit the sources yourself to make that happen, which is not too difficult for one cross-compiler. By default it does not work on any platform. Unlike Lazarus.

See screenshot of my available targets.
I have an Intel MBPro from 2019, running MacOS Sequoia
FPC is trunk from a couple of months ago.

Since I upgraded to Sequoia, FPUpdeluxe is failing unfortunately.

Forget my last post.

There's a second fp lpi file: fpx64.lpi

Compiling that provides the correct fp app


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