Forum > Windows
GetFileSizeEx function missing
Done. with special overloads is just an include file, not an unit btw. 440bx probably knows since he is a regular submitter of windows unit issues.
Note that recommending jwa* should be clearly marked as temporary solution. I'm not sure how 64-bit ready the JWA* units are.
--- Quote from: marcov on November 06, 2024, 04:52:33 pm ---Done.
--- End quote ---
Thank you Marco.
--- Quote from: marcov on November 06, 2024, 04:52:33 pm ---Note that recommending jwa* should be clearly marked as temporary solution. I'm not sure how 64-bit ready the JWA* units are.
--- End quote ---
and in addition to that, I've seen a few errors in the definitions of ntdll functions. I should have reported those but, I was focused on something else then forgot and now I don't remember which functions. I do remember that a fair number of them were in definitions of functions in ntdll (some documented, some not.) The same for internal Windows structures, a fair number of them have not been updated to reflect more recent versions of Windows.
Personally, I'd recommend leaving the Jwa* definitions alone. They were probably fine at one time but, I think that now they are outdated and, as a result, a bit risky to use.
Tnx Marco, also for the fix.
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