Hmm, when trying to compile fpc 3.2.4 on a native aarch64 rpi, where should we add -Aas, something like this in the script?:
Wait. Stop the presses !
You mean you got that error that you described when natively building the compiler itself when using the makefile ? (that was not clear for me on earlier descriptions perhaps I overlooked)
OK, sorry if I was not clear.
The goal is to compile fpc 3.2.4, with some changes in the name of all clib methods (added
@GLIBC_2.17 to assign the correct symbol table and not let the linker do it).
The script to compile fpc that I used on the native rpi aarch64 is this:
make clean
make all FPC=$COMPILER OPT="-Fl/usr/local/lib"
make FPC=$COMPILER install INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/fred/fpc-work/usr
And with this script, the compilation fails with that message (like explained in previous post):
fpc-src/rtl/units/aarch64-linux/dynlibs.s: Assembler messages:
fpc-src/rtl/units/aarch64-linux/dynlibs.s:16: Error: unexpected characters following instruction
at operand 1 -- `bl dlopen@GLIBC_2.17',1) Error: Error while assembling exitcode 1,1) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
Clearly, the assembler does not like that
@GLIBC_2.17 addition, maybe the unexpected character is
Note that without that change, the compilation is ok.
Note too that compiling the fpc source with assigned symbol table on Linux amd64 cpu is working like charm (and solves lot of things).